During the holidays, I went to New York city where I met Mrs Cherubin , our American penfriends' teacher ! She drove all the way from Washington to New York and we met in Grand Central Station, which is a huge railway and subway station situated right in the center of Manhattan. I had already seen photos of her, but she was turning her back to me when I caught sight of her; but then,she turned round and she recognized me first. It was very strange to meet a person I've been chatting with on the net for nearly a year without actually knowing her. We had never met before, but we have so much in common that it felt as if we had always known each other. We had very long conversations together because Mrs Cherubin is amazing !she can talk about everything. She is of Italian origin, but she has lived in England, Germany and Switzerland, so she knows Europe very well. Together, we had a walk in Central Park; we visited the Whitney Museum ( a museum of American Art ), we walked a lot in Manhattan and finally, she very kindly invited me to see a show in Broadway. This show was entitled " The Three mo' tenors"; it was a musical show with three very talented black singers who recounted the history of black American music ( from the gospels to rap ). I gave Mrs Cherubin the photos I had taken of my pupils (on a CD), and she gave me a package of letters to deliver on my return to France.I had a great time with this person I can now call a friend,and will keep excellent memories of the moments we spent together. I hope she'll come to France one day to visit me !
( I will soon send a video of our meeting ! To be followed... )
Here is a photo of the show I saw in Broadway with Mrs Cherubin : " Three Mo' Tenors"
9 commentaires:
Mrs. Cherubin said:
I am honored to have a picture of me and Mme Sauliere on line. I wish all the students could have been there too. I am sure they would have had a marvelous time. My students were certainly jealous of me. They asked me many questions and enjoyed watching the pictures of their correspondents from Bordeaux.
I too had a great time. Mme Sauliere is such an enthusiastic, consciencious and dedicated teacher and we had a lot of different things to talk about. The time was too short, I fear, and we had too many things we wanted to do. New York did help also to make this quite a historical meeting. I would do it again any time. I am a bit sad now because I know that somewhere across the ocean is a wonderful person with whom I share many interests, but we are not going to be able to see each other very often. My dream is to one day live with all the people I love and respect altogether in the same place and be able to see them whenever and how often I want. This would be a truly great thing!
I'm so envious ! You're really lucky to see mme Cherubin, to walk in Central Park and in Manhattan ! Mme Cherubin looks very nice and it's true that it's strange to see a person you just know by mail.
I hope her students would be able to send us photos of them.
Mme Cherubin said:
I am working on it. I have not had a chance to download all the pictures on the computer and burn them on a CD. I promise I will work on it this week and I will send the CD as soon as possible. I had asked my students to send pictures with their letters, but i think they are a bit reticent. However, they did let me take pictures with the digital camera. Let's see!
Mme Cherubin
For some reasons, I am not able to see the videos posted on the blog. All I see is a little box with a red x in it.
Mme Cherubin
Hey! How did you manage to post a picture of the three tenors? The picture helped bring back nice memories of my latest visit to NY. How I wish I were there again with Mme Sauliere!!!!! Next time, though, we should stay at least a few more days.
Mme Cherubin
Mme Cherubin said:
I am in the library of the school and I was finally able to see the video of the famour historical moment in which Mme Sauliere and I met. It was great!!
Mrs Sauliere, you are really lucky
to have been in New York city !
It would be very nice!!!
I just saw the video, it was great but it stopped during the conversation, not funny! I wanted to see the end!
Mrs Sauliere you are very nice and very cool ! you are the best english teacher !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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